I don't know if I should introduce myself or anything, since I am really trying just to start a place to write about what's going on for people that I know already. There are a lot of things happening in these next few months, and at some point, it'll be hard to really keep up with my friends & family personally when I start "living with the D."
I feel like SUCH a genius coming up with that title. Here is the clever wordplay: the D is not only a good nickname for my fiancé, Darin, but also a reference to the city of Detroit, where I will be moving when I get married to him this summer. (The letter D in that medieval font at the top of the blog is kind of like the logo for the Detroit Tigers, but not the same, so I'm clear on this trademark stuff, haha!)
In essence, I want a place where I can share what is going on with wedding planning, graduation planning, life, what I'm learning with God, what I'm learning with Darin, and occasional food and craft-related adventures. I am a female, after all. And I really love making good food. I hope that an outlet for all these things will be a fun way to give people the chance to be a part of my life from far away, and hopefully keep in touch a little more easily! :)
Anyways, I will end this post so I can start another one that has a particular topic, haha. Writing addiction is very real, people! I love y'all!
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